Tag Archives: Home

New Beginning

No one ever told me that the hardest part about moving to a new country would be moving back. Returning to the same house, that is emptier in both the physical sense and the number of individuals, is some comfort in familiarity. Sleeping in the same bed, under the one blanket that you have, is relaxing until you wake up to an empty room. But the emptiest thing is the realization that you also came back to one, maybe two, friends. The hardest thing about moving away is knowing that life and people continue to move on without you. People change, close friends find new closer friends and all the friends that you made in your new country are now 6 hours ahead of you. Thankfully University starts soon. There I will make my new beginning, again.

Obviously this is my last post, I apologize that it wasn’t a “happy to be home” one but I’d prefer to write the reality to keep my sanity. Thank you to all of you who have followed my journey through these two years, and to those readers and fellow bloggers who I picked up along the way.

The End of IB

My two years of suffrage through the International Baccalaureate are coming to a close. Currently I am going through 3 weeks of exams. I have just finished my first week and in it two subjects, English HL and Biology HL. My next week consists of Maths, Spanish and Chemistry HL.

Next week my dad leaves for the States to witness my sisters graduation from her college years. She will be graduating with a degree in Primary Education. After that they’re both traveling back to Ireland for my graduation on 22 May!

Speaking of college a few weeks ago my mum and I made a quick trip back to the States for last-minute college tours. We hit two colleges in Philadelphia and one up in St. Paul. I am pleased to announce that I have officially found the college that is for me 🙂 Hamline University is up in St. Paul and lucky for me it offers a Forensic Science degree. I have already been accepted and recently filled out the roommate finder. I am looking forward to my years in University!

In the future, after my graduation, one of my close friends is coming to stay with us for a week. After that we have two families staying with us off and on for a while. In that time I get to take one last trip with my girlfriends to Nice, France for a week. Currently we are also planning on two of them visiting the States. All the while we have to clean, organise and pack everything that’s coming back with us.  Our moving date is on 10 July. A lot is to come along with a lot more change and readjusting to the American life and then shortly after adjusting to the college life.

Happy New Year!!

Alex arrived at the Dublin International airport on the 27th of December, which is when we celebrated our Christmas. The week was filled with her tourism and shopping, talking and catching up. She left a week later and has since then arrived safely at home.

I now have less than 5 months left of my senior year at St. Andrews. Everything is becoming rushed and stressful. The good news is the homework load is limited but we have papers, exams, IA’s, and orals to prepare for and complete. College applications have officially been sent out and I’m ready to get there!

Some people at school have started to realise that some of the things we do together may be the last time. I find myself very conflicted with missing people. On the one side I want to go back to Rochester and see friends and family but I don’t want to leave Ireland and the friends and people who I have met here. I know their life long and I am incredible grateful for the opportunities I have had and the doors that have opened because of the people I have met. I thank them for everything they have taught me xx

Sorry this entry is short, not much has happened I’ve just been writing papers and losing sleep. Till next time 🙂

The thing about change…

The thing about change is that it comes in two forms: negative and positive. Last night I was laying awake thinking about all the change that has affected my family, now and in the future. My mind was focusing on the positives like the cultural experience, adventures, people we’re meeting, life lessons, etc. But I began to contemplate the negatives of our move. The inconveniences that has been implicated into our lives.

For starters the time zone difference. Being 6 hours ahead of Minnesota it makes telephone communication tricky. My dad set up the home phone in Minnesota to be automatically connected to our phone here, it works over the internet. We can receive and make calls using our American number, which is convenient for both us, friends and family. The problem is telemarketers, from BOTH countries are calling us.  Telemarketers in America don’t know we don’t live there so they think that their calling at the most convenient time, while in reality it’s late at night and were trying to sleep. Friends and family make this mistake too sometimes.

Being my last year in high school, I get the privilege to also have to worry about colleges and the future. Do you know how difficult it is to schedule a college visit when you’re a 8.5 hour plane ride away? Over the summer my mum and I got to 2 colleges for tours (So I’ve toured 3 colleges in total, 4 if you include the one I got dragged to when my sister was touring, but I got free cookies so it was all good). Out of the 3 colleges I’ve visited 2 have busted completely, and 1 of them was the one I was counting on. The last college we toured was Simpson College down in Iowa, it offered a forensics and biochemistry major with a minor in psychology, which is more than I could have asked for. The campus was beautiful, dorms were a good size, library was huge, and the food was made to order. So now I’m left to leave my final choice to chance if I don’t get into Simpson. Along with that I am a few years behind on working, back in the states I worked for Caribou as a source of income for future and college expenses, but now being here I am unable to work and build a savings which makes me so nervous. Once back at home I’ll have to rush and find a car and insurance to go with it. Moving back home for college is going to be tricky considering when my mum and I move back we’ll only get a tiny shipping container that I have to fit my clothes, textbooks, school materials, bedding and essential in.

American food is a problem, especially when you have a HUGE craving for Goldfish. I get this a lot. The main problem with American food is that it’s over there. Not here. Being away means that the friends and family who used to be at your fingertips are now thousands of miles away. This leads to a 6+ hour difference in news and updates. It makes for communicating very difficult. As cool as debating theories about time is, the reality of it is haunting. Knowing you need a hug or to be comforted by someone who doesn’t even live on the same continent as you makes it hard, and you end up going to your cat for comfort. When you do talk to them you have to switch dialects almost. The different slangs and pronunciations of terms. Or having to explain customs, characteristics, locations, myths so that they understand the amazing experience that you had.

Something less related to relationships but is still an annoyance: release dates. Here in Ireland we don’t get the same movie or  show release dates. The majority of the time I can find it online before it hits the cinemas. “New never seen before products!” will most likely have come out months ago in the States. This is less negative and just more humorous and obnoxious. Fortunately weighing out the positives and the negatives my experiences break even. Even with the conversational lag, you can still get your point across. I also believe that I’ve made life-long friends here, and that’s pretty awesome. 🙂

Happy Xmas!

Wicked (musical)

Wicked (musical) (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

WOW! Christmas already, time flies when your in Ireland 🙂 We celebrated our very first Christmas in our new home today. It was amazing, Alex even let me sleep in until 7:50. It was truly a Christmas miracle. Yesterday our family went to go see Wicked at the theater and it was brilliant. The set, mechanics, charters, presentation and voices were all top notch, I want to go again! It was the first time anyone in my family had seen it, so we didn’t know what to expect, we only knew roughly what it was about.

EARLY tomorrow we will be catching a bus (at 4:50am) to get to the airport and fly off to Belgium for a weekend vacation. We will be going to Waterloo, were my sister and I grew up for two years (Again thanks to my dad’s job being moved) and to Amsterdam, Germany and hopefully possibly to one other country that is escaping my memory. I still have to pack…

Happy Holidays to everyone!!


20131117_181434My parents and I went to YoSushi for dinner tonight to celebrate my moms late birthday dinner. Every Sunday is all you can eat for 20 euro. The dishes come around this conveyor belt and you just take it off and eat it. The bowls color represents how much that dish is, but since it was all you can eat you just don’t pay attention. The catch to this dinner was that you only had an hour and everything on your bowl had to be eaten or you’d be charged extra for that dish. Competition among sushi eaters was high, so we left our Minnesota nice outside. Sadly they took our bowls every 20ish minuets so we were unable to count how many dishes we went though. As far as we know, it was enough.


Nothing new

Nothing has happened worth writing an entire blog about in the past few weeks so I’m going to post all at once.

First of all our last shipment of items from home came in a few weeks ago and we are still currently unpacking. I’ve been trying to get photos up of the mess that was taking over out house but I have no clue how to. Mom has been making progress during the day while my dad and I go to work and school. This weekend my family and my dad’s bosses family went to Bizarre, a show put on by different people from different countries around the world. Multiple booths were set up with food and items you could buy that were imported from that country. The US booth featured lemonade, candy and popcorn. Which in my view has the least to do with the US. Today is also my moms birthday (I will leave out her age for respect, and I’d like to get fed tonight) so tonight we  will be celebrating, not sure how yet but it will be interesting no matter what.

Home sweet home

Having FINALLY moved into out new house in Simmons Square Court all of us feel at home and peaceful.  Now all we have to worry about is food and getting our shipments in from home. The shipment by air should be here Sunday and we arn’t sure how long after that until we receive the one by sea. But at least we have somewhere to put everything. Sorry this post is short, not much has happened besides moving in. I’ll post ya later!

Still here

Hello my fellow followers,

Again my family was told we’d receive the leaving date and again we didn’t get one. As the promise of a leaving date fades away so does the cleanliness from my room. My mom just helped me order my books and uniform for my school years. The family is slowly checking off items from our “to do” list, we’ve cleaned out and organized both our garages, the storage room, and the guest bedroom our house sitter will be living in. Yesterday my mom and dad were moving a shelf in the upper garage and a fire extinguisher dropped on my dads left big toe, it is now nasty, swollen and colorful. I have a picture of it but first have to figure out how to get it from my phone to here. School just started here for my friends and it feels strange not going. I’ve started using Rosetta Stone to learn French so I’m up to standard when I start at St. Andrews.

Our cats are starting to suspect something, I’m sure of it. Their being too happy and friendly, usually when we move stuff around and clean they hide in fear of a big family gathering. I keep imagining them in the small carriers they have to travel in, at least the first flight to Chicago they are able to ride by our feet. They are unaware of the changes and fears they will soon come to face, but they are strong kitties and will push through all the strange people and smells. Au revoir!